Literature & Websites

Browse below literature and web content readily available for a deeper understanding of smart energy.

SDG&E Smart Grid Overview

Posted | by SDG&E |
A series of nine videos covering various aspects of SDG&E's efforts related to Smart Grid, including smart meters, electric vehicles, Home Area Networks and renewable energy. Each segment …

John - SmartHours Consumer

Posted | by OG&E |
Last year, on OG&E's SmartHours Price Plan, the average customer saved over $200 during the summer months. In fact, by reducing a little of his electricity use from 2-7 p.m. weekdays—…

Erica and Collin Faunce Video

Posted | by SDG&E |
SDG&E customers Erica and Collin Faunce share their experience using the Simple Energy platform. From Simple Energy on Vimeo.

Customer Stories

Posted | by PG&E |
A series of customer stories videos from Pacific Gas and Electric.

Smart Grid 10

Posted | by EEI |
A customer testimonial on how real-time data and dynamic pricing changed her behaviors.

Smart Grid: The Big Picture

Posted | by BG&E |
This video provides answers to questions surrounding the features of smart meters and how a smarter grid benefits BG&E customers.

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