Question #3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean pharetra luctus lectus, at mattis tellus imperdiet ac. Nunc adipiscing eleifend lectus, ac porttitor dolor pellentesque quis. Donec ut lacus magna, in auctor leo. Aliquam sollicitudin faucibus imperdiet. Donec feugiat nisi nec est volutpat vel sagittis purus rhoncus. Mauris eget tempus nibh. Sed viverra lacus sed magna adipiscing porttitor eget sit amet felis. Fusce aliquam blandit lorem a rhoncus.


What are smart meters?

Smart meters, a common form of smart grid technology, are digital meters that replace the old analog meters used in homes to record electrical usage. Digital meters can transmit energy consumption information back to the utility on a much more frequent schedule than analog meters, which require a meter reader to transmit information.

Electric energy use will be recorded every hour at your home and every 15 minutes at your business. Natural gas information will be available on a daily basis. Smart meters will enable you to monitor your consumption more precisely so you can make more informed energy choices.

Will meters readers lose their jobs once smart meters are installed?

Traditional meter readers, who will no longer be required to “make their rounds” to personally read meters, will have the opportunity to be re-trained for other jobs within utilities. Some roles for former meter readers would include network technician assistants, call center representatives and utility assistants (such as tree trimmers).

Will smart meters increase my energy bill?

Smart meters are tested for accuracy and their primary function is measuring power usage. Similar to your old meter, smart meters will measure the energy that is used by residents of your home. The meter itself cannot and will not increase your bills. Your bills could actually be lower because smart meters and smart grid technology will provide you with personalized information and tools to decrease your energy usage. Old analog meters can stick or run ‘slow’ resulting in inaccurate bills. In cases like this, the smart meter will now provide an accurate reading of your energy usage.

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